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Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The Iphone

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The Iphone

TIP! You do not have to be concerned about losing an iPhone anymore. The map application that is included in your phone’s software will allow you to see your location anywhere that you have service.

If you are still using a conventional, non-smartphone, you may wonder what all the fuss is about. There are a lot of phones that seem to do the same things. It can be difficult to decide which smartphone offer a clear advantage over the other. The iphone is clearly better than the other models available. Continue reading the article below and find out why.

TIP! You can also take a picture through using your headphone cord on the iPhone. Keep your hand steady while you are in the process of taking it, and then once you are ready, press the button that is on the cord.

Rice helps to reduce the moisture on your iphone. You should of course avoid dropping your iphone in water. Dry your iphone with a towel as well as possible, then seal it in a bag that has dry rice in it. Let it dry overnight.

TIP! Use your iPhone to help you navigate from place to place. Whenever you’re attempting to obtain directions somewhere or find stores located along the way, the map portion of the phone can be utilized as a GPS.

Make sure you update your iphone when you see new updates are available. This will help ensure your phone is working as fast and efficiently as possible. Your pictures and other files will be saved to your computer; if you damage your iphone, you will not lose all your data.

TIP! You don’t need to press X every time AutoCorrect attempt to make a correction. Just tap the screen anywhere.

To get the most out of your iphone, remember that Siri has a ton of unique options you can use, like location reminders. You can tell Siri to remind you to do something at a specific time. So instead of having Siri remind you to call somewhere at 6 p.m., you can instead have her remind you when you get home. When the iphone detects you have arrived at the destination, it will give a reminder alert. That way, if you have no idea when you will reach home, you are still going to have a reminder.

TIP! It is possible to develop a customized group of shortcuts and a dictionary with your iPhone. As you dictate or type, the dictionary will know what you are saying.

Protect the screen of your iphone by purchasing a protective screen. Without a protector, there will be scratches and nicks. Your fingers can transfer dirt to the screen which in turn can leave hairline scratches. Always protect your devices, especially those that cost a lot of money.

TIP! Your iPhone can also be used as a mobile storage device by downloading an easy to install app. Whether you want to carry videos, music, photos or documents, you can easily put them on your phone.

Although you might spend a lot of time surfing the Web or reading your email on your iphone, did you realize how simple it can be to save an image to your phone too? You simply have to touch and hold the image you want to save. A box will appear giving you the option of saving the selected image.

TIP! Are you unsure of how to make accented letters in messages? Here is how to do it. Tap the particular letter in question and hold it down.

There are many useful apps available that transform your iphone into a storage device for your important files. Upload videos, music, photos or even text-only files. You just connect your iphone to your computer and transfer your files from your computer to your iphone.

TIP! Sync your email accounts with your iPhone to easily access your messages. Tagging allows you to receive notifications if a new message appears, as well as view the message instantly.

You can take photos with the cord from your headphones. Start by framing the photo you want. Then, when you are ready to take your picture, push the button on your headphone cord. The picture is taken! To save it, follow the steps you would usually follow when saving a picture.

TIP! Have you lost a photo opportunity because the camera app was too slow to bring up? Use this simple and fast shortcut. If you have locked the screen, tap twice on the Home button.

Taking full advantage of the iPhone’s multimedia abilities will let you get more from your device. You can download television shows, films or funny videos and transform a phone into an entertainment center.

TIP! Your iPhone can be your calculator, too. When the phone is in a vertical position, the calculator is a standard one, but when the phone is held horizontally, a scientific calculator appears.

Have you ever missed out on a great picture because your couldn’t access your iPhone’s camera quickly? Use this shortcut instead. Just give the Home button two quick taps when you have your screen locked. Look for the camera icon at the screen bottom. Press this icon to enable the camera.

TIP! Did you know that your iPhone can take a screenshot, anytime you like? When you’re on the screen you want to save, hold down the home button and then tap on the sleep button. Your screenshot is saved when the screen is white.

You can take a screenshot with your iphone. Just hold down the home and sleep buttons for a couple seconds. If you see that your screen has turned white, you have successfully taken a screenshot.

TIP! The Safari browser on the iPhone allows you to do virtually everything you can do on a large computer, and that includes bringing images down from websites. In Safari, just touch and hold on a photo you’d like to save.

Keep the firmware on your iphone current. The functionality of the device will be increased, along with its battery life. To update firmware, just connect your phone to a computer that contains iTunes. On the other hand, you can utilize iCloud to facilitate your connections.

TIP! Should your iPhone fall in water, wait before trying to turn it on. Instead, do you best to dry the outside of the phone, and then allow the phone dry out overnight in a bowl of uncooked white rice.

Personalizing your iphone is easy when you select the perfect ringtone. You don’t just want to be boring and use a standard ringtone. It’s easy to get a distinctive ringtone by uploading a sound file or a song that you love. People’s heads will turn when your phone rings.

TIP! One thing you must remember with an iPhone is not to get carried away with the tremendous amount of apps available. Because Apple approves apps before they are listed in iTunes, most apps out there, both free and paid, are really useful.

Make sure you are mindful about the apps you allow onto your phone. There is a huge variety of applications that can be loaded to the iphone. Some apps are free while others you have to pay to use. Some of these apps can be untrustworthy, stealing your information and charging you money without your knowledge.

TIP! Every so often you will be using the iPhone when all of a sudden you get interrupted with notification. It’s likely that you need to finish what you’re working on before turning your attention to the notification.

Do not panic if your iphone freezes. First, press the Sleep/Wake button. If that doesn’t work, try pressing and holding the home and sleep/wake buttons simultaneously for 10-15 seconds. Pressing the home and sleep buttons together to perform a hard reset on your iphone. After the hard reset, it may take a few minutes for your phone to power back up.

TIP! Use the auto-correct to your benefit by setting your own phrases to the memory. Go to Settings, go under General, look under Keyboard, and then Add New Shortcut.

As this article has shown, the iphone can perform many actions. For functionality and power, there is no other smartphone that come close to the iphone. It has clear advantages that make it the number one smartphone available.

Blue widgets is a complex topic, which is why you should take the time to research it some more. You have found the information you require to get going, right here in this article. Now is the time to take the knowledge you have gained and apply it to your life!

About The Author

Written by
James D. Parker

James D. Parker is professional surveillance camera experts, understand more than 1,000 surveillance cameras, and have a wealth of surveillance camera related knowledge

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