Home News Iphone Advice Everyone Needs To Know About

Iphone Advice Everyone Needs To Know About

Iphone Advice Everyone Needs To Know About

TIP! You won’t need to worry about ending up on the wrong road with the iPhone. The iPhone’s maps app comes loaded onto your phone right when you get it, making it a breeze to locate yourself as long as you’re connected to the network.

If you’ve recently bought an iphone, then you are likely very confused at the mass features it can perform. Don’t be overwhelmed by this amazing technology! Just read this article so you can unlock the magic in your new iphone.

TIP! Remember to download updates on your phone whenever they become available. If you are diligent about doing this, you can be more secure in the fact that your phone will not be subject to glitches and viruses.

When searching the web with your iphone, you do not have to type in the “.com” part of an address. You only need to use the main address and your browser will pull up the correct site. While it may not seem like much, doing so will save you a lot of time over the life of your phone.

TIP! If you would like your iPhone battery to last longer, dial down the brightness factor of your phone’s display. This can be done in your phone’s settings, and you just lower the level of the brightness.

Any website you visit can be made into an app. First, navigate to the site. Tap “Go” when you have the site loaded in your browser. You will then have the option of adding the website to the home screen. Once it connects to your home screen you have the option to change the name and personalize the app.

TIP! You can use your headphone cord to make picture-taking a snap. Steady your hands, and then press the button located on the cord.

To save time, do not always click the “X” button when the AutoCorrect function erroneously changes your word. Just tap the screen anywhere. This closes the suggestion box immediately, so that you can type the word the proper way.

TIP! Buy a screen protector to use on your iPhone. Without one, you’ll find that your iPhone screen will be subject to a lot of tiny scratches and minor nicks.

The iphone allows you to grow the dictionary and shortcuts. Diction will be able to know what you intend to say. In addition, you can add more phrases to make more shortcuts. If you are typing, the keyboard will activate it’s auto correct feature to assist you.

TIP! Make navigation easier with your iPhone. The map feature can help you find the nearest gas station or navigate an unfamiliar area.

Do you want to include an umlauted or accented letter in your conversation, but don’t know how? Here is how to find them. Touch the letter you’d like to see more options for, and hold down for a few seconds. A box with extra keys will come up. The options available for typing specific letters will provide you with many choices for the appearance of letters using your iphone.

TIP! In its default setting, your iPhone will highlight incoming messages on its lock screen. You may find this handy or annoying.

Beware of talking to Siri too much on your iphone, if you care about your privacy. Apple makes note of these recordings and puts them on their internal server. They do this to help the programs’ speech recognition, and to try to keep these files secure, but everything you say to Siri might get recorded.

TIP! Has the perfect shot ever escaped you because you were not able to open up your camera app quickly enough? Try this quick and easy shortcut. Tap twice on the Home button when your screen is locked.

As is the case with lots of newer phones, it is possible to have your iphone generate visual displays of calls as well as messages. You can set your iphone to show a silent blink from the camera flash as each call or message comes into your phone. This can be accessed under the general menu under “accessibility.” Once you do this, select the “LED Flash” option.

TIP! If you are looking to add, multiply or subtract something really fast, take advantage of the calculator function in the utilities section of the iPhone. When holding the phone vertically the calculator is a standard one, but hold your phone horizontally and you get a scientific calculator.

The Safari on the iphone has a lot of features, similar to that of a computer’s Internet. All you need to do is tap and hold a picture you’d like to preserve when you come across it online. A menu will appear asking if you’d like to save the picture to the Camera Roll. From this menu, you can also send the picture in a text or iMessage!

TIP! It’s pretty easy to take a screencap on your iPhone. Once you have selected the screen you would like a screenshot of, push down on your “home” button and make sure to click the “sleep” button the same time.

Keep the firmware updated on your iphone. The functionality of the device will be increased, along with its battery life. Updating your firmware is as easy as having iTunes installed on your computer and syncing the iphone with it. On the other hand, you can utilize iCloud to facilitate your connections.

TIP! Press the sleep button if your iPhone encounters an issue and press harder to reboot your phone if it is not responsive. Press and hold that button while you hold down the Home key simultaneously.

There are several ways to go about using the camera application on your iphone. Your headphone volume controls can also double as a way to snap your pictures. Start by steadying your hand on whatever subject you wish to capture. When it is time to snap a photo, just press down on the buttons on the cord.

TIP! Make sure to keep the OS upgraded to the latest version possible. Due to the complexity of the iPhone, Apple will release patches to fix various problems or security lapses.

You can turn on the sound of the keyboard clicks of your phone by accessing the “sounds” feature. You will know each character has registered by the sound you hear.

TIP! When you make AutoText shortcuts for commonly typed phrases, you can cut down the amount of time you spend emailing and texting on your iPhone. This feature is easy for email addresses and common phrases.

You probably already know your phone can set reminders based on certain times. But, did you know that you can set reminders that trigger notifications based on your physical location? For example, set a reminder for your phone to remind you to go to the drug store after you leave work. You can use a variety of different reminder types with your iphone.

TIP! If you get your iPhone wet, don’t try to turn it on right away. If your iPhone gets wet, dry the outside as thoroughly as you can and allow the phone to sit and dry out.

A good tip if you own an iphone is to not get crazy with all of the apps. Because Apple approves apps before they are listed in iTunes, most apps out there, both free and paid, are really useful. Some will give you hidden charges, which could cost you a lot of money over time.

TIP! You probably know that you can set reminders for certain times to tell you to do things. But, did you know that you can set reminders that trigger notifications based on your physical location? As an example, you are able to say, “I need to call the dentist when I get home.

You might not always have time to finish composing your email so the iphone allows you to tap the cancel button, as opposed to closing your email completely. You’ll get the option to save the unfinished message as a draft this way. Select yes, and then you can finish your email later.

TIP! Be choosy about which apps you download to your iPhone. There are many apps available for an iPhone including free apps and those that charge money.

One of the benefits of the iphone is the ability to send pictures. Two options are available to achieve this. After saving the picture, add it onto an email, or upload it to your Facebook profile.

Social Media

TIP! If your phone freezes, do not panic. Your first step should be to press and hold the Home button or the Sleep button.

Chat with friends by using your iPhone’s social media features. Facebook, Twitter and other social media can be accessed and updated very quickly through your iphone. Instantly catch all of the latest news and buzz with the social media applications so that you are in the loop sooner than anyone else.

TIP! With your iPhone it makes it very simple to grab a screenshot whenever you want. You can accomplish this by pressing the Home and Power buttons at the same time.

Be careful to avoid exposing the iphone to extremely hot or cold temperatures. For instance, if you need to go into frozen lockers or refrigerated areas frequently, do not take your phone. Moisture can accumulate inside the phone if it is subjected to these extreme temperatures.

TIP! If you want to save any message for the future, tap cancel while working on it. Mail will ask whether you want to cancel the message, save it, or discard it.

By now, you should be more confident in your ability to get the most from your iphone. Your iphone can be a dramatically useful device when you have really mastered the ins and outs of operating it. Use the advice you were given here to reap all the benefits of your iphone.

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About The Author

Written by
James D. Parker

James D. Parker is professional surveillance camera experts, understand more than 1,000 surveillance cameras, and have a wealth of surveillance camera related knowledge

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