Home News Reasons Why The Iphone Is All Hype

Reasons Why The Iphone Is All Hype

Reasons Why The Iphone Is All Hype

TIP! You do not have to be concerned about being lost once you have an iPhone. The app for maps is already set up, so you can see your location anywhere there is service.

Doesn’t everyone have an iphone? It’s a very popular device, and one that can be tough to master. Keep reading to master your iphone. This article has a lot of tips that will make you a pro.

TIP! Save your valuable battery power by lowering the brightness on your iPhone. The phone has a brightness option within its settings area, and this can be amended easily.

Check for updates for your iphone frequently. Updates to your phone protect your phone and should be installed as soon as possible. Updates also allow you to save your photos and important files to your computer.

TIP! Not only can you take photos using your iPhone’s volume buttons, you can also take photos with the buttons on your iPhone headphones. Hold the phone steady and press the button on the cord.

You can use your iphone to create a comprehensive dictionary and catalog of shortcuts. Your phone will automatically know what you’re going to type next. You can program the iphone for a variety of different shortcuts and phrases. If you are typing, the keyboard will activate it’s auto correct feature to assist you.

TIP! When searching the web with your iPhone, you do not have to type in the “.com” part of an address.

You can take photos with the cord from your headphones. Begin by framing the photo. When you are ready to take the shot, just press down on the cord’s button. This will take the photograph. Save the picture as you normally would.

TIP! Are you tired of all the constant notifications you receive on our iPhone? There is an easy way to stop them. First, choose Settings.

You can increase your messaging speed using this method. If you do not want to use the word the dictionary suggests when you are texting with your iphone, you can simply tap anywhere on the screen to dismiss it. There is no need to tap the little “x” that appears at the end of the word.

TIP! If the AutoCorrect feature shows you corrections to your text, you will not have to spend the time to “X” the suggestion. Just push any place on your screen.

Most iphone users take a lot of photographs. After a long photo shoot, though, sorting through the snapshots on the camera roll can be cumbersome. Keep your pictures organized with the iphone album. This can make it a lot easier to location specific photos.

TIP! Are you unsure of how to make accented letters in messages? This is what you need to do. Touch the letter you want to change, and hold it for a bit.

Privacy comes into play when using Siri. Nearly all voice prompts spoken to Siri are recorded and stored on an Apple server. Apple’s primary purpose in recording Siri prompts is to maintain and improve speech recognition functioning on your iphone.

TIP! If you are going to email someone or send them a note, there are suggested words that make this process easy. If you do not want to use this feature, it is simple to close it.

Keep your iphone firmware up to date. This can increase usability and boost battery life. The easiest way to do this is to connect your iphone to a computer that has iTunes downloaded on it. Or, you can connect the iphone to an Apple Computer via iCloud.

TIP! The iPhone displays previews of messages coming in on your lock screen. You may like this feature, or you may think it’s annoying.

AutoText shortcuts save a great deal of time when texting and emailing. Create shortcuts for the phrases that you use most frequently. The feature is useful for complicated emails and phrases you use a lot. You will find this option in the keyboard settings of your iphone.

TIP! One of the best things you can do with your iPhone is choose a ringtone that you absolutely love. This will keep you from feeling like one of the crowd when your phone rings.

If you try the Safari browser instead of Internet Explorer, you will not have to type the .com to go to a website. For instance, you may input “Amazon” for Amazon.com in your URL box to instantly go to the site.

TIP! When your iPhone falls in water, as is likely, do not power it up to check whether it works. Dry the outside of your phone and allow the rest of the phone to dry overnight.

Don’t waste time using suggested words when typing on an iphone. If you need to type a note or email and you’re tired of suggestions, tap anywhere on the screen to make the suggestion box vanish. Doing so will save you having to hit the “x” at the conclusion of each word.

TIP! Do not allow your phone to suggest words to you as you create messages. Tap anywhere while you are typing to eliminate the suggested spelling box.

Think about buying an app to help you with your device’s battery. Any one of these apps (there are plenty to choose from) will be able to analyze your power usage and help you get more time out of your battery charge. They also let you know when you need to calibrate, letting you keep the battery healthy.

TIP! If you have an iPhone, you should try using it to browse Facebook. Although some people are already aware of the iPhone’s Facebook app, others do not know how easy it is to use Facebook on an iPhone.

If you do not like Siri’s voice, you can change this to your liking. First, locate Siri under the General Settings screen. You can set Siri’s language choice to French, German or English. The accent can also be changed to a British or Australian accent if you want. When using the British version of Siri, you will notice that the voice is male.

TIP! You should consider purchasing the battery management app. They let you know where and how you are utilizing batter power, in addition to giving you steps you can take to increase the life of your battery.

Try to save some time when using your iphone to type. Go to the settings, select the keyboard and add your own phrases. Taking advantage of this feature enables you to load in any regular word groups that you use on a regular basis. It’ll save you the trouble of typing them out each time.

TIP! If you do not have enough time to finish writing your email, tap on cancel instead of closing your email app. You can then save it as a draft.

You can take a quick screenshot at any given moment with your iphone. Just hold the power and home button at the same time. (Press them both briefly; pressing them at length will cause undesired effects.)By doing this, a snapshot will be taken of the current display which will be sent directly for you to Images app.

TIP! Most people only know how to view contacts by touching the screen and flicking through each one. First, touch the middle of your alphabetical list on the right side.

You can send treasured photos to your loved ones by using the iphone. There are a couple of different ways that you can do this. After saving the picture, add it onto an email, or upload it to your Facebook profile.

TIP! An excellent way to communicate with your iPhone is through FaceTime. With FaceTime, you can see who you are talking to in real time.

Touching the home button with your fingertip for an extended period of time can unfreeze your device. The phone will then reboot. If the problem is not resolved, try holding the Home button and power button simultaneously for about 10 seconds to reboot the phone. This should be used only in the event that the first doesn’t work.

TIP! Make sure your phone is not exposed to direct sunlight for long periods. You can ruin your phone by leaving it exposed to the sun for long durations.

At this point, you should feel more comfortable navigating the myriad functions and features of your iphone. Now it’s time to use that knowledge. Your mastery of the amazing features of the iphone is as easy as putting them to use today.

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About The Author

Written by
James D. Parker

James D. Parker is professional surveillance camera experts, understand more than 1,000 surveillance cameras, and have a wealth of surveillance camera related knowledge

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