Home News Tips, Tricks, And Techniques To Get The Most From Your Iphone.

Tips, Tricks, And Techniques To Get The Most From Your Iphone.

Tips, Tricks, And Techniques To Get The Most From Your Iphone.

TIP! You may be sick and tired of the many notifications you receive when using your iPhone. Here is a tip on how to turn them off.

Owning an iphone is just not having a simple phone, but this is probably something you’re already aware of. You are aware of what you like, which is why you purchased an iphone in the first place. However, do you know every secret your phone holds? The tips below can help you have fun and get better acquainted with your iphone.

TIP! It’s not commonly known how simple it can be to save pictures from Safari or Mail. Simply tap the image that you wish to save and hold your finger there for two or three seconds.

If your iphone gets wet, you can dry it with rice. You should of course avoid dropping your iphone in water. Use a paper towel to wipe the phone, then place it in a rice packed bag. Use this as an alternative to a hair dryer. Leave it like that overnight, and it should be nice and dry in the morning.

TIP! The iPhone allows you to create a personal dictionary and shortcuts. There’s no reason your iPhone shouldn’t anticipate the words you want to use.

Always update your device whenever you can. Updates to your phone protect your phone and should be installed as soon as possible. This also protects you by ensuring that your images and information are safely stored. In the unfortunate event that your phone is lost or damaged, you can at least take comfort in knowing that your important data is not gone for good.

TIP! A lot of iPhone users want to use accented letters and other features in their text, but they simply can’t figure out how to do it. If so, then listen carefully.

Siri helps you with reminders that are location based. Rather than saying “Siri, let me know to call my job at 5pm.” You can say “Siri, remind me to call work when I get home.” The phone will automatically know you are at the destination and give you the reminder. This way if you don’t know what time you’re getting home, you can still set a reminder.

TIP! As you visit websites, try using one finger for scrolling purposes. After that, see how two fingers works for you.

You can make a phone call with one tap while using Safari. You might run across a number you want to call if you’re searching for, say, a restaurant online. When you locate the number, you don’t have to visit your phone option to actually place the call. Just press the number; you then connect to the place you are trying to call.

Map Feature

TIP! If your phone freezes and does not respond to Wake/Sleep, you can simply force a hard reset. You will want to press the home key and the sleep button at the same time.

Make navigation easier with your iphone. The map feature will also perform GPS functions. Finding your way to a destination is easier, and so is finding new locations on the way. You can bookmark the map feature for easy access on your phone.

TIP! Do not waste time with suggested words on your iPhone. When typing an email or a note, you can quickly banish the suggested words box by tapping anywhere on the screen.

The iphone has made it easier than ever to provide suggestions based on the individual user by allowing you to create your own shortcuts and add words to your dictionary. As you dictate or type, the dictionary will know what you are saying. You can add phrases and shortcuts to your phone while programming it. The iphone keyboard will also correct you automatically when typing a phrase or word.

TIP! Make sure you are mindful about the apps you allow onto your phone. There is a huge number of different apps for your iPhone.

Use the multimedia features on your iphone to get the most out of it. When you download movies, tv shows or video clips, your iphone becomes a great entertainment solution.

TIP! Interruptions many frequently bother you while you are using your iPhone. You can either ignore the notification until you finish.

Have you ever missed out on a great picture because your couldn’t access your iPhone’s camera quickly? Use this easy shortcut. Tap on the Home icon two times when your screen is locked. A camera icon will appear at the bottom of your screen after you do this. Tapping this button will automatically load your camera.

TIP! Battery management apps are a great iPhone tool. Many such apps already exist and when getting the absolute maximum performance for your dollar is a goal, you’ll want to invest in one or the other.

You can take a screenshot using your iphone. Press the home and sleep button together for taking a screenshot. The screen goes white, and that’s how you know you have a screenshot.

TIP! When you are typing, there is a way to make better use of your time on the iPhone. Go to the settings, select the keyboard and add your own phrases.

Your iPhone’s Safari mobile browser will allow you to do just about everything that you would be able to do on a regular Internet browser. If you find an image you want to preserve on your phone, simply tap it and hold it. A menu will appear, asking if you wish to save the image to your Camera Roll. You can also choose to copy it to a message.

TIP! Press cancel to save messages to work on later. You will be asked if you want to Save, Don’t Save, or Cancel.

Do a hard reboot if your phone is not responding to the Sleep and Wake button. You will want to press the home key and the sleep button at the same time. The phone should shutdown and reboot signaling that everything is working fine once again.

TIP! You can get to your favorites and your iPod controls right away. All you have to do is go to settings, then general, and then the home button.

You don’t have to worry about your phone shaking when taking a photo with your iphone. You can just use the volume buttons on your Apple headphones. Steady your hand and prepare yourself to take a picture. When it is time to snap a photo, just press down on the buttons on the cord.

Apps Available

TIP! Don’t store your iPhone anywhere that experiences extreme temperatures. You definitely do not want to take your iPhone into cold refrigerated areas like they have in some warehouses and then back out into the warmth.

One thing you must remember with an iphone is not to get carried away with the tremendous amount of apps available. There are many apps available and prices vary a lot while some apps are completely free. Some of these apps can be untrustworthy, stealing your information and charging you money without your knowledge.

TIP! Make sure you iPhone stays out of direct sunlight for any extended period of time. If your phone is in direct sunlight for an extended amount of time it is being put at risk for being completely ruined.

While the iphone is one of the most useful and innovative devices out there, some people become frustrated while trying to scroll through long websites. However, it can be easier. Just tap the status bar near the clock, and that will take you to the page’s start. This is helpful for long lists too like they have on the iTunes store.

TIP! Give distinct names to each email account that you plan on checking using your iPhone. Your iPhone will not differentiate one account from the other if you chose similar names.

If you experience a screen freeze on your iphone, do not be overly alarmed. Use the Sleep/Wake button as the first remedy. If it doesn’t work, press both the home button and the sleep/wake button and hold them down. This will guide you through the process of a hard reset, and will involve the power tab. In a few minutes, your phone should be back to normal.

TIP! It can be a bit complicated when scrolling through a tiny window on website in the iPhone’s browser. Sometimes, you wind up just scrolling across the main webpage.

IPhones are great for many things, but you must know the tricks to using it. The piece above offers useful guidance for becoming a skilled iphone user. You can have fun with your fancy iphone!

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About The Author

Written by
James D. Parker

James D. Parker is professional surveillance camera experts, understand more than 1,000 surveillance cameras, and have a wealth of surveillance camera related knowledge

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